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Summer Party Cheese Cups​

A cheese board is the perfect party food; our only complaint is its lack of mobility for cheese lovers who want to mingle. Our Summer Party Cheese Cups are an elegant DIY alternative, packing all the fun and flavors of a cheese board into individual cups. We put together three complementary versions for summer—one focusing on veggies, another that's fruit-forward, the last based a nostalgic dessert—all featuring a crowd-pleasing cheese. Each cup recipe makes 8 cups for a total of 24, but feel free to scale up or down depending on your guest list.

preparation & ingredients

1/2 lb. Murray's Mini Brie

8 rainbow carrot spears

8 Persian cucumber spears

8 breakfast radish wedges

8 cherry tomatoes

8 Firehook Multigrain Crackers

1/2 lb. Alisios®​

8 watermelon spears

8 orange slices

8 strawberries

32 blueberries

1/2 lb. Champignon Cambozola Black Label​

1 ea. Vesta Milk Chocolate Covered Pretzel Gems, 180 g.​

1 ea. Pralus Chocolatier Tablette Melissa bar, 100 g.​

16 marshmallows

16 Effie's Homemade Oatcakes​

32 5-in. skewers

24 2-oz. cups


Cut the wheel of Mini Brie into ten equal wedges. You'll use 8 for the cups (the other two make a great chef's snack.)
Slice the Alisios and Cambozola into eight 1-oz. triangles.
Break the Pralus Melissa chocolate bar into eight planks that are four squares long. For the part of the bar that doesn't have squares, cut it in half lengthwise into two pieces the same size as the other planks.


Which wine goes with which rind?

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