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Fabrique Delices Saucisson Sec

fabrique delices saucisson sec meats

$45.00 / Lbprice is $45.00 by Lb
fabrique delices saucisson sec meats
Fabrique Delices Saucisson Sec
  • Age: 30 days
  • Pork
  • by Fabrique Delices
  • United States

Fabrique Délices crafts their Saucisson Sec in the traditional French style. They flavor the pork simply with sea salt, pepper, and garlic to give it a savory, rustic profile. This salami-like charcuterie is made for easy snacking, so slice it medium-thick and serve it with Murray’s Comte and a few of Murray’s Garlic & Dill Pickle Spears.

“Most of my experience with charcuterie comes from working with Italian products. However, Suacission Sec proved to me that the French have just as much to offer. I’ll never get tired of a few slices of this on a baguette with cultured butter and some cornichons.
Murray’s Marketing Team – New York, NY
Pork, Salt, Dextrose, Spices, Lactic Acid Starter Culture, Sodium Erythorbate, Garlic, Sodium Nitrite. Incased In Beef Casing And Rice Starch.
  • Saucisson Sec is a rich, flavorful style of French meat similar to salami that’s made by blending pork with garlic, sea salt, and pepper inside of an all-natural beef casing.
  • The sausage is hand tied and cured for 30 days until the correct texture and pH is achieved.
  • Saucisson Sec means ‘dry sausage’ in French and refers to the way the meat is dry cured.
  • Saucisson Sec firm texture makes it the perfect picnic companion, add in some cornichons, Fallot Dijon Mustard and a smear of Epoisses and lunch is served!
  • Fabrique Delices was born from a century-old charcuterie maker in Meaux, France. 
  • They established their United States presence in 1985 with a vision of bringing high-quality, artisanal French charcuterie products to the United States market. 
  • Traditional French recipes and the finest ingredients are used to create their line of nearly 100 different small-batch, minimally processed delicacies. 
  • While they use machines to grind and mix ingredients, most of their artisanal production is still done by hand. 
  • A wide-ranging product-line includes everything from pâtés, mousses, duck confit, magret, duck rillettes, boudins, sausages, truffle butter, macarons, cornichons, and more.

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