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Queso Campesino Queso Quesadilla

$13.00 / 12 oz Puck
Queso Campesino Queso Quesadilla
Queso Campesino Queso Quesadilla
  • Pasteurized
  • Microbial Rennet
  • Cow Milk
  • by Queso Campesino
  • United States
  • Approachable
  • Soft

Queso Quesadilla is the cheese that gave the toasty tortilla dish its name, so it’s no surprise that it’s an all-star melter. When served sliced, it’s semi-soft and elastic like low-moisture mozz, with a rich, mild flavor and salted butter aroma. Apply some heat, and it melts into oozy goodness that’s deliciously smooth. Layer with Queso Oaxaca on your next grilled cheese (topped with Kansas City Canning Co. Pickled Red Onions for a hit of acid), or melt it on rye for a tasty Reuben.

“My favorite queso recipe is a simple combination of Queso Quesadilla, chiles, crema, cumin, garlic, and onion powder. A great dip for any occasion!”
Murray’s Cheesemonger, Bleecker Street – New York, NY
Pasteurized Whole Milk, Cheese Culture, Salt, Enzymes.
  • Queso Quesadilla originated in Northern Mexico, in the state of Sinaloa. It was such a good melter that it came to lend its name to the now-popular Mexican dish.
  • It has a similar mild flavor profile to Monterey Jack, as well as similar melting abilities.
  • While it can be shredded and used in any dish, like quesadillas and nachos, it can also be cooked on own in a skillet to make Queso Fundido—top with Fermin Iberico Chorizo and serve with tortilla chips.
  • Queso Campesino was started in 2001 by Gabriel Robles, a Mexican-born resident of Denver, Colorado, who wanted to make authentic, high-quality Mexican cheeses in the United States.
  • He hoped to appeal to Hispanic and non-Hispanic consumers alike by bringing the unique flavors and incredible versatility of Mexican cheese to the American market.
  • Queso Campesino translates roughly to countryman’s cheese, reflecting the company’s commitment to capturing the specific flavors of the cheese’s origins.
  • Their cheeses are made with whole cow’s milk, sourced from local dairies when possible. Their milk suppliers commit to standards around ethical treatment of animals.
Family Owned

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